Have you ever wondered if your diet is providing all the essential nutrients that you need in the correct amounts?
Or further wondered how well you are absorbing the nutrients you are taking in?
Through a simple blood test we can assess your micronutrient status over the previous 6 months of intake. By comparing this to a diet log of your average diet, we can ascertain if any deficiencies are due to lack of intake versus lack of absorption.
Why does this matter? Our bodies are fine-tuned machines that are comprised of a myriad of metabolic processes largely operating without our conscious awareness, and the fuel for this machine? Nutrients. While it is incredible what our bodies can carry out without enough of certain nutrients, we can be sure they are not running optimally if they are lacking any essential ingredients.
If we want the best out of ourselves, whether in the realm of healing or disease prevention, we need to ensure we are functioning optimally with all essential micronutrients.
There is a lot of variety in micronutrient testing, with some tests assaying only certain minerals and vitamins and others assessing the status over the previous 72 hours. What makes the test we use unique is its ability to give us all the essential nutrients over such a long timeframe.
Let’s take a look at what’s tested:
⁃ All fat and water soluble vitamins (ex B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, etc)
⁃ Essential minerals
⁃ Essential amino acids (the things our bodies break protein down into)
⁃ Additional nutrients like omega 3, omega 6, omega 9, CoQ10, alpha lipoid acid, glutathione, carnitine, choline and inositol
Some of the top reasons we use this test are:
⁃ Assessing the status of a recent (6 month or so) diet change such as a keto or plant-based diet
⁃ Digestive disorders like Crohn’s, Colitis, celiac and IBS
⁃ Mood disorders
⁃ Athlete optimization
⁃ Slow or resistant healing
⁃ Fertility prep
⁃ Aging/elderly
I have found this test to be incredibly insightful, sometimes in surprising ways, and have seen countless patients regain their health through specific changes guided by the test.
We are always here to help you to optimal health!